

Animal Health & nutrition


Scientifically Formulated Additives

Tailored nutritional solutions backed by veterinary science for various species and health specific needs.


High-Quality Ingredients

Premium, ethically sourced ingredients ensuring superior nutrition and palatability for animal wellness.


Supplement Solutions

Customised products targeting specific health areas like digestive and immune support for diverse animal species.



Integrating cutting-edge technology for monitoring and enhancing animal health through data-driven insights.


Our Commitment to Animal Nourishment

At Lancovet Private Limited, we are committed to providing the highest quality health and nutrition products for poultry and dairy farm animals. We understand the importance of providing animals with the essential nutrients they need for optimal health and growth. Our products are carefully formulated to ensure that the additives and supplements are tailored to the specific needs of each species. We are constantly innovating and researching new methods to improve the quality of our animal health and nutrition products. Our commitment to animal nourishment is unwavering, and we are dedicated to providing the best nutrition options for animals everywhere.


Enhanced Animal Health

Scientifically balanced and nutritionally complete supplements, with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for optimal health.


Improved Immune System

High-quality components and specially formulated supplements for fewer digestive issues, better nutrient absorption, and a stronger defence against illnesses in Animals


Customised Nutrition for Specific Needs

The ability to tailor nutrition to the specific needs of different species, life stages, or health conditions is a major benefit.

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Support for Animal Well-being Beyond Nutrition

In addition to providing high-quality additives and supplements, the company may engage in broader initiatives like educational outreach on proper animal care.

Why Us

Lancovet Private Limited is an animal health & nutrition company dedicated to providing the highest quality nourishment for our furry friends. We understand that the food that animals consume plays a huge role in their health and wellbeing, so we make sure to source only the best components and formulas.

We are always looking to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest in animal health & nutrition, so our team of experts are always looking for ways to improve the quality of our products. We are proud of the difference we are making in the lives of animals and their owners.

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